Friday, February 25, 2011

March Chapter Meeting

The March meeting of the Kentucky Chapter of MSJ will take place on Saturday March 5, 2011 at 10.30AM.  We will be hosted by Fr. Tim and Anna Doubblestein at their home in West Liberty.  Anna has indicated that she's got her "Scillian cooking" juices flowing so expect to eat well!

Our guest will be the Rt. Rev. Frederick Fick, Father General of the Missionaries of St. John.  He will be leading us in a discussion of church planting.  We also hope to have a report from Br. Nathan Dunlap on his recent trip to Tanzania as part of the Office of Foreign Missions.

But no matter what the topic of conversation, the Kentucky Chapter always experiences a time of great fellowship and prayer.  Make sure you set aside time to join us!

For more information or directions please contact Fr. Tim Doubblestein at (606)743.9110 or frdoubblestein "at"


Greetings in the name of Jesus Christ our Lord!  We want to welcome you to the blog site of the Kentucky Chapter of the Missionary Society of Saint John the Evangelist.  Here you will be able to find news of the society, reflections of our members, and maybe even a sermon or two.  It is our prayer that ultimately this blog will encourage you to spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ in new and effective ways into situations and settings that need it the most.

May the SON shine bright on our Old Kentucky Home!